5 min Abs Workout

5 min Abs Workout

I want to share few exercises that strengthen ➡abdominal muscles⬅ also helps to develop pelvic stability and core control(which is very essential for most of the Pilates exercises).


Also contributing to @pilatestv 😊#pilatestvabs ….. #singlelegstretch #doublelegstretch #singlestraightlegstretch #doublestraightlegstretch #crisscross . .

Level: beginning


🎬Starting position: Lie on your back with your arms at your sides. Movement sequence: Lift the head and rib cage up, lift the legs to tabletop position and work only with your legs throughout all the exercises


Repeat : 8 x each leg 3 x double leg .

⚠keep the spine and pelvis stable and in a neutral position.

Precautions: ❗For low back injuries; work with imprinted spine or neutral supported position. For neck and shoulder injuries; support the head and neck with a towel or ball.

Avoid with osteoporosis . . . #pilates #pilatesbody #matpilates #balancedbody #pilatestime #pilatestimewithelif #pilateslife #pilatesinstructors #pilateslovers #pilatescommunity #普拉提 #zaishanghai #balancedbodypilates #ladiesgoneglobal #pilatesporn #durmaktifol #pilatestv #fitnessmotivation #fitness #heratextile

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